
EMU as MUSE: Telegraph at Eastern Michgian University

Oct. 14 - Nov. 24
EMU as Muse: A Project of the Telegraph Art Collective
University Art Gallery
Reception: Tuesday, Oct. 14, 5:00-7:00p.m.
Gallery Talk by the Telegraph artists at 5:00p.m.

Comprised of seven members with diverse disciplinary backgrounds, TELEGRAPH is an artist collective that originated in Detroit. Their members are now scattered across the country in Birmingham, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Fort Collins, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Thus, the name Telegraph describes both their long-distance method of collaboration and pays homage to Telegraph Road, the ubiquitous Detroit thoroughfare. In mid-October Eastern Michigan University will become the object of Telegraph’s artistic inquiry. The artists will not bring finished works to Ypsilanti, but with parts, pieces, sketches and notes in hand, they will descend on campus and spend three days creating site-specific work. The detritus, people and resources of EMU and vicinity will become both their subject and media as they engage with the area’s built and open spaces.

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